Tuesday 27 September 2011

Goat's Milk Soap series: Goat's Milk Powder+Angelica (unscented) 羊奶皂系列:羊奶粉+白芷(无香)

羊奶粉就不说了,关于白芷,说是除了具有解毒,镇痛,抗炎等作用,还能改善局部血液循环,消除色素过度堆积,促进皮肤细胞新陈代谢,进而达到美容的作用。最后还加点桂花来增加触觉和感觉。成品就--花样 :)

Goat's milk soap is helpful for people wanting to maintain youthful and healthy skin and perfect for people with sensitive skin. Its chemical structure is amazingly similar to mother's milk, making goat's milk soap an alkaline product with a low pH, close to the pH of human skin. This allows better delivery of moisture and nutrients from the soap and prevents dryness and other negative skin reactions.

Angelica 白芷
Modern pharmacological studies have shown that, in addition to Angelica with antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects, but also improve local blood circulation, eliminate excessive accumulation of pigment in the organization, promote skin cell metabolism, and thus to achieve beauty.

Osmanthus 桂花
The uplifting scent of Osmanthus is infused into the soaps to give you a perfect spring day whatever the weather.

ingredients: Goat's Milk Powder, Angelica, Osmanthus, Canola Oil, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Distilled Water, Sodium Hydroxide

* NO Essential Oil or Fragrance added.
* NO Coloring. 无添加色素。
m.soap is made cut and trimmed by hand, there may be some variation in the weight, size, colour and overall appearance between individual lots due to the handmade characteristics :)

Saturday 24 September 2011

m.couple bear - Fermi & Fanny

another pair of couple, comfort and adore!
boy may be shorter than girl, but who care, as long as they are loving and caring each other, externality is not the main factor anymore :)

Wedding gift

Fermi facets

classic flower & polka dot, my bear always looks settle :)

no. 264 - Fermi

No. 264 - Fermi
approx sixe: 14" H

materials: Japanese printed cotton fabric, Embroidery thread, Buttons, Lace, Polyester stuffed

Thursday 22 September 2011

Fanny with pink tattoo

Why got tattoo? Frankly is to cover some unperfect seam! But it make the bear more unique is unarguable :) Fanny looks so innocence, that's why she got the name -- Fanny :P Lovely!

no. 263 - Fanny

No. 263 - Fanny
approx size: 14" H

material: Japanese printed cotton fabric, Embroidery thread, Buttons, Lace, Polyester stuffed

Sunday 18 September 2011

Calvin & Carey

Couple m.bear -- Clavin & Carey
matching them in fabric and who said boy can't wear flower? Calvin looking good here :)
Carey in polka dot, Calvin in purple rose, they looks perfectly match ^^

no. 262 - Calvin

No. 262 - Calvin
approx size: 14" H

Materials: Japanese printed cotton fabric, Embroidery thread, Buttons, Polyester stuffed

Saturday 17 September 2011

Goat's Milk Soap series: Goat's Milk Powder+Honey (unscented) 羊奶皂系列:羊奶粉+蜂蜜(无香)


Goat's Milk Powder+Honey

Goat's Milk Powder+Himalayan Fine Salt

ingredients: Goat's Milk Powder, Honey, Olive Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Coconut Oil, Palam Oil, Distilled Water, Sodium Hydroxide

Goat's milk soap is helpful for people wanting to maintain youthful and healthy skin and perfect for people with sensitive skin. Its chemical structure is amazingly similar to mother's milk, making goat's milk soap an alkaline product with a low pH, close to the pH of human skin. This allows better delivery of moisture and nutrients from the soap and prevents dryness and other negative skin reactions.

Honey "A gift from the gods and the elixir of life". Is actually a pretty remarkable liquid. Honey is primarily known for its humectant and antimicrobial qualities, is safe for sensitive skin.

ingredients: Goat's Milk, Grapeseed Oil, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Honey, Sodium Hydroxide

* NO Essential Oil or Fragrance added.
* NO Coloring. 无添加色素。
m.soap is made cut and trimmed by hand, there may be some variation in the weight, size, colour and overall appearance between individual lots due to the handmade characteristics :)

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Household Soap series: Potato Oat (unscented) 家事皂系列:马铃薯燕麦(无香)

一款据说拥有魔法清洁力的家事皂--马铃薯燕麦皂。说魔法只不过是形容而已,要真这么魔法,那全世界的洁净剂生产商不就完蛋了 :P 因为马铃薯淀粉质的关系,所以有比较强的去油力啦。当然其它材料的添加都是为了护手不干燥,让你开心做家事洗碗碟 :)

ingredients: Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Potato, Oats, Honey, Green Clay Powder

* NO Essential Oil or Fragrance added.
* NO Coloring. 无添加色素。
m.soap is made cut and trimmed by hand, there may be some variation in the weight, size, colour and overall appearance between individual lots due to the handmade characteristics :)

Monday 12 September 2011

Carey's facets

14寸高的媚熊,基本款。第一次完全手工缝制这个型号,3寸至10寸型号款式的手缝很多,且大多都是毛毯材料,而这款则是棉布料,想必成品感觉将大大不同。带着实验的心情一针一线慢慢缝,从头到尾不用缝纫机,包括头上的缎带。结果就如预料一样,针线感,朴实,看得见手缝的痕迹。喜欢的就会爱不释手,不喜欢的就会嫌不够细致; 独一无二就是这么极端啦 :)

no. 261 - Carey

No. 261 - Carey
approx size: 14" H

materials: Japanese printed cotton fabric, Embroidery thread, Buttons, Polyester stuffed

Friday 9 September 2011

Household Soap series: Coffee Orange (unscented) 家事皂系列:咖啡橙(无香)

用100%椰油制做的咖啡橙皂。100%椰油清洁力超强,但缺点是同时对皮肤来说也会太干燥,为了大家的玉手或帮佣的勤手着想,我为这款皂添加了芥花油增添滋润,再加上橙的维生素C能帮助维系肌肤的天然保湿功能,以期能达到清洁又护手的功能平衡 :)

ingredients: Coconut Oil, Canola Oil, Coffee, Orange, Mass of Green Clay/Honey/Hibiscus Powder soaps' chunks, Water, Sodium Hydroxide

* NO Essential Oil or Fragrance added.
* NO Coloring. 无添加色素。
m.soap is made cut and trimmed by hand, there may be some variation in the weight, size, colour and overall appearance between individual lots due to the handmade characteristics :)

Tuesday 6 September 2011

tutu 兔兔

这么多年来,第二次做兔子布偶, 之前那只编号30,八年前的事了 :) 两种布料两种设计,呈献乡村风和趣怪风,离不开的还是甜甜柔和色调。个人是比较守旧不太喜欢(不讨厌) ‘无厘头’ 布偶啦 :P 呃。。。不知哪天会做也不定?哈!

 no. 260 tutu

no.30 peace

no. 260 - tutu

No. 260 - tutu
approx size: 13.5" H

materials: Felt, Embroidery thread, Buttons, Machine bobbin lace, Polyester stuffed

Friday 2 September 2011

Household Soap series: Black Tea & Citronella (unscented) 家事皂系列:红茶及香茅(无香)

手工肥皂的其中一项好处就是没有环境污染问题。平時用的清洁剂会造成河川土地环境激素污染。当我們把东西洗净时,我们的环境呢?而手工皂的肥皂水流进环境中后,微生物可以在1周內将之完全分解吸收,但是一般清洁剂合成界面活性剂生物却难以分解,其结构类似荷尔蒙会造成环境的生态污染。有专家认为肥皂是比合成清洁剂更自然健康的选择,因为肥皂是油脂加硷制成的,不存在环境激素污染问题。我不是专家,不是化学家,只是想把自己用得不错的东西拿出来分享。毕竟现代生活中,充斥着数之不尽的化学产品,能做的只是尽量尽能力尽可能减低化学产品用量而已。当空气都已被污染,就让我们以自己微薄的力量来爱地球,让她减缓兆亿秒 ‘灭亡’ 的速度。凡事从自己做起!

Black Tea Household

 Citronella Household

ingredients: Cocount Oil, Palm Oil, Canola Oil, Black Tea/Citronella, Water, Sodium Hydroxide

* NO Essential Oil or Fragrance added.
* NO Coloring. 无添加色素。
m.soap is made cut and trimmed by hand, there may be some variation in the weight, size, colour and overall appearance between individual lots due to the handmade characteristics :)